Soul Health Assessment+

For Teams

How Is Your Team Doing?

It can be challenging to gain a deep understanding of the emotional motivations driving employees’ engagement with an organization. Leadership shifts, restructuring, and culture-change initiatives can be positively transforming yet disruptive and disorienting at the same time. 

Soul Care Insights is comprised of qualitative researchers, leadership coaches, and spiritual direction experts who work through the specific lenses of organizational change management and spiritual formation to uncover the insights organizations’ need to address their most pressing questions.

How Does The Assessment Help?

The Soul Health Assessment provides a Holistic assessment of a team or organization’s current soul-health condition to support the design of a Personalized user journey for your staff -  engaging and transformative curriculum, access to professional spiritual directors and Strategic recommendations for increasing soul-health and staff engagement, ongoing leadership coaching for your leaders.

The Assessment Readouts:

  • Soul Health Index Score of 1-100
  • Consolidated expression of “what marks your life” metrics (46 metrics)
  • Assessment of the Five Dimensions of Flourishing
    1. Spiritual
    2. Relational
    3. Physical/Mental
    4. Financial
    5. Vocational
  • Assessment of the three Soul Care Access Signifiers.
    1. Sense of God with you and for you
    2. Ownership of own soul care
    3. Engagement with work
Get Started With Your Team's Assessment:

Want to take the personal Soul Health Assessment for free on your own?

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