Live from the Overflow

Are you tired, worn down, burned out?

The Wellbeing of Our Souls Matter

Everything in our lives emerges from our souls. Jesus invites us all into a life of deep, overflowing connection saying, "If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing" John 15:5, TNIV.

Soul Care cultivates soul health among leaders by providing pathways, practices, and guides to help them, and those they serve, personally flourish and achieve missional impact.

For Organizations

Strengthen your teams efforts to lead through life-giving culture that drives enduring results.

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For You

Everything in your life and leadership emerges from your soul.

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Feeling Burned Out?

FREE Online Course: While we call it a crash course, the aim is to provide accessible ways to care for your soul amid life's demands. Burnout is a prevalent issue, affecting many in various fields, and this course is crafted to meet you where you are, offering support to create real structure and growth to your future.

“Our soul is like an inner stream of water,
which gives strength, direction, and harmony
to every other element of our life."

— Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart


Pre-Order Now!

Burned out? Exhausted? Feeling isolated and like there’s no end in sight? Find hope, direction, and a path to renewed life.

Mindy's new book will be released on September 10! PRE-ORDER NOW AND RECEIVE THE AUDIO BOOK FOR FREE


Ready to refresh and revive your soul?

SOS Journey "Strengthening Our Souls" - Online Course: What is your soul saying to your mind, body, and spirit? Are you weary, feeling isolated, distant, and far from flourishing? It doesn't have to be that way... During our six session online course, including two Spiritual Directions sessions, the "SOS Journey" will guide you out of burn-out (or help you avoid it in the first place!), and help you flourish. 

Soul Care Blog

The Deep Need for Soul Care in 2024 | A Candid Conversation with Mindy Caliguire

7 Ways To Rest & Let Yourself Be Human When You're A Leader

I remember times when I was first church planting where "come to me and I will give you...

I Didn't Need Spiritual Direction—But Now I Don't Want To Lead Without It

I didn’t need Spiritual Direction. I was a team leader in the midst of a thriving...

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Your Soul Today