Live from the overflow.

The wellbeing of your soul matters.

Everything in our lives emerges from our souls. Jesus invites us all into a life of deep, overflowing connection saying, "If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing" John 15:5, TNIV.

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What if you slowed down long enough to consider the condition of your soul?

Whether you’re…

  • Worn out and tired or just getting started
  • Leading global efforts or serving locally in your community
  • Moving forward with intention or stuck in a rut
  • Caring for hundreds of staff or working in a small team

ALL of us are in need of someone to ask, "How are you really doing?"

Soul Care For Your Organization

We help you and your team elevate the conversation around God’s vision for your flourishing, while also maintaining focus on your mission.  



Soul Care

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We are soul health subject-matter experts with 25+ years of experience. 

Our team represents the fields of spiritual direction, leadership coaching, teaching, content development, research, missions, ministry, and the marketplace. 


Trusted by:


Now Available!

Burned out? Exhausted? Feeling isolated and like there’s no end in sight? Find hope, direction, and a path to renewed life. Click below to find out more!

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Feeling Burned Out?

FREE Online Course: While we call it a crash course, the aim is to provide accessible ways to care for your soul amid life's demands. Burnout is a prevalent issue, affecting many in various fields, and this course is crafted to meet you where you are, offering support to create real structure and growth to your future.

Soul Care Blog

Aug 20, 2024 12:27:09 PM

Spiritual Friendships: The Power of Relationships to Transform Your Leadership

Jul 22, 2024 12:07:01 PM

The Deep Need for Soul Care in 2024 | A Candid Conversation with Mindy Caliguire

Jun 27, 2024 2:52:05 AM

7 Ways To Rest & Let Yourself Be Human When You're A Leader

Jun 18, 2024 12:19:21 PM

I Didn't Need Spiritual Direction—But Now I Don't Want To Lead Without It

May 13, 2024 2:48:26 PM

Rest as a Weapon: Why Rest Should Be A Strategic Priority For Every Leader

Apr 24, 2024 2:20:28 PM

I Didn't Have Time For Another Online Course—How the SOS Journey Transformed the Way I Lead

Start Caring for
Your Soul Today