Mental Health & Faith: Giving Space For the Mind to Heal
Earlier this month, I awoke to a beautiful fresh snowfall in Tucson, AZ. Rarely do these desert hills see this kind of weather… only 4 other times in...
If you’ve seen anything about the metaverse or virtual reality, you know there are dark places. But as the church, this doesn’t mean we should run from it.
Earlier this month, I awoke to a beautiful fresh snowfall in Tucson, AZ. Rarely do these desert hills see this kind of weather… only 4 other times in...
How do you care for your soul? In this podcast, Mindy Caliguire reflects on taking care of your soul in difficult seasons in ministry and personal...
Here's two conversations with Jeff Reed from TheChurch.Digital and Mindy. Podcast #1: The Freedom of Letting Go Podcast #2: The Church and Mental...