Soul Care Blog

What is Spiritual Direction?

Written by Linda Rankin | Aug 31, 2019 1:49:00 PM

When I first entered into Spiritual Direction I was nervous and curious about how it might differ from therapy. As my director opened with a guided prayer and silence, I was quickly ushered into a space where God’s presence felt close. It was from that sacred space that I began to share. As I did, my director was careful to keep me in that space of prayer as I processed. Her questions were gentle, sometimes challenging, and mostly refocused me back to God. Each time I entered back into silence, I was able to focus on what God was doing, saying, and what I was noticing about Him. Just about every time, I was met with His love and acceptance of me above all else.

It was from this monthly direction appointment that I was able to begin to process the rest of life in that way. By making space to be still, I was finding it easier and easier to discern what was best for me and the fruit of that discernment led to my increasing ability to love others well, created a more genuine life rooted in service and allowed me to guide others in a similar way. I began to become a better listener, both for my own spiritual growth and for others in my life, a more settled person, and a vessel where Jesus could begin to love through me. It became easier to spot what was mine and what was not; to see what He was inviting me into, and to recognize when I was responding from wound or ego instead of with His presence as my guide. Spiritual Directors are gifted at keeping us connected to the vine, as we look at things that arise in our lives and the condition of our soul’s spiritual health.  It is from this central space of prayer that we can see our best next step, perhaps simply become more at peace with where God has us, or become aware of an area He would like to refine. 

As Soul Care Spiritual Directors, our goal is to create a safe space for you to open up to God’s presence and to a deepening discernment for how to live life with purpose and meaning.


How long is a spiritual direction session?

Each session lasts 50 minutes to one hour. Leaving some quiet time to prepare for your session before, as well as time to transition after, is recommended.

What if I’m not local?

Soul Care Directors are available via Zoom or phone sessions. On our first phone call we can discuss which might work best for you.

What if I’m a publicly known leader or leader of leaders?

Soul Care Direction is a great place for you to experience support than honors confidentiality and a safe place to process what God is stirring in you before you bring it to those you lead.  

What if I’m new to faith?

Spiritual direction is a great practice for all stages of your faith journey. Our time together is not one of performance or efforting but of resting and receiving.

Is Spiritual Direction the same as counseling?

Spiritual direction may feel similar to counseling but it focuses on opening to the voice of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit instead of focusing on cognitive or behavioral therapies. Depending on the content arising, your spiritual director may advise some sessions with a licensed professional.

Linda Rankin, Soul Care